Sunday, April 19, 2020

Earthquake Rambles and March-April Layouts 2

Kaklei Designs -

Kathryn Estry - 

LouiseL Designs - 

Over The Fence Designs - 

PattyB Scraps - 

Raspberry Road Designs - 

Simplette Scrap and Design - 

The End... lol. 

Earthquake Rambles and March-April Layouts 1

In March we had an Earthquake 5.9 on the Richter Scale. Woke us out of bed, dishes flying out of cabinets, salt water shaking over the front of the fish tank (about 6 gallons) at about 7am. First big one I have ever been in. We were at the Epicenter so got hit hard. So far we have had 700+ aftershocks since then and the happen daily; some over 4.0.... We are all fine, animals are all fine though Moose now has PTSD and any time something moves he looks at the ceiling and whines. Poor guy! Anyway, off to what you came here for.....

ADB Designs -

Boomersgirl Designs - 

Dandelion Dust Designs - 

Dutch Dream Designs - 

Ilonka's Designs -