Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Wow, this month is flying by and EARTHQUAKE!

Howdy All! March 18th was a nightmare! We woke up at 7 am to dishes flying out of china cabinets, water sloshing all over floor from top of fish tank, and our 3 story house shaking in its foundation! We had a 5.7 earthquake on the Richter Scale for about 25 Seconds! Erin, Nicole and I were in a daze as to what was happening at first then trying to get the filter pump shut off on the fish tank so that we didn't have more issues. Was afraid with it shaking so hard that it was gonna fall over! Talk about wake up panic! It was the longest 25 seconds of my life! I've been in little quakes before but nothing like this, you couldn't even stand up straight or focus in on anything since house was shaking so hard. Then the power went out and since it wasn't light out yet, we were having to use flashlights! It even fried my computer so having to get a new one. Everything and everyone is fine though Moose has a bad case of PTSD now and freaks any time the house shakes or booms. He whined all week constantly and had himself in such a panic that we had to sedate him. Since then, we are still having several aftershocks daily and some as high as 3.9. We are at the epicenter of it and it was all over the news. Well, off to what you came for. BB

ADB Designs -

Boomersgirl Designs - 

Dandelion Dust Designs - 

Dutch Dream Designs - 

Ilonka's Designs - 

Kaklei Designs - 

Over The Fence Designs - 

PattyB Scraps - 

Simplette Scrap and Designs - 

That's all for now. BB

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